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X. Liu, Truesdell, D. S., Faruqe, O., Parameswaran, L., Rickley, M., Kopanski, A., Cantley, L., Coon, A., Bernasconi, M., Wang, T., and Calhoun, B. H., A Self-Powered SoC with Distributed Cooperative Energy Harvesting and Multi-Chip Power Management for System-in-Fiber, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2023.PDF icon 15.1_A_Self-Powered_SoC_with_Distributed_Cooperative_Energy_Harvesting_and_Multi-Chip_Power_Management_for_System-in-Fiber.pdf (1.51 MB)
X. Liu, Truesdell, D. S., Faruqe, O., Parameswaran, L., Rickley, M., Kopanski, A., Cantley, L., Coon, A., Bernasconi, M., Wang, T., and Calhoun, B. H., A Self-Powered SoC with Distributed Cooperative Energy Harvesting and Multi-Chip Power Management for System-in-Fiber, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2023.PDF icon 15.1_A_Self-Powered_SoC_with_Distributed_Cooperative_Energy_Harvesting_and_Multi-Chip_Power_Management_for_System-in-Fiber.pdf (1.51 MB)
X. Liu, Truesdell, D. S., Faruqe, O., Parameswaran, L., Rickley, M., Kopanski, A., Cantley, L., Coon, A., Bernasconi, M., Wang, T., and Calhoun, B. H., A Self-Powered SoC with Distributed Cooperative Energy Harvesting and Multi-Chip Power Management for System-in-Fiber, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2023.PDF icon 15.1_A_Self-Powered_SoC_with_Distributed_Cooperative_Energy_Harvesting_and_Multi-Chip_Power_Management_for_System-in-Fiber.pdf (1.51 MB)
X. Shen, Duvvuri, D., Bassirian, P., Bishop, H. L., Liu, X., Dissanayake, A., Zhang, Y., Blalock, T. N., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A 184 nW, -78.3 dBm Sensitivity Antenna-Coupled Supply, Temperature, and Interference-Robust Wake-up Receiver at 4.9 GHz, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2022.
X. Liu, Kamineni, S., Breiholz, J., Calhoun, B. H., and Li, S., A 194nW Energy-Performance-Aware IoT SoC Employing a 5.2nW 92.6% Peak Efficiency Power Management Unit for System Performance Scaling, Fast DVFS and Energy Minimization, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2022.PDF icon A 194nW Energy-Performance-Aware IoT SoC Employing a 5.2nW 92.6% Peak Efficiency Power Management Unit for System Performance Scaling, Fa.pdf (4.4 MB)
S. Li, Liu, X., and Calhoun, B. H., A 32nA Fully Autonomous Multi-Input Single-Inductor Multi-Output Energy Harvesting and Power Management Platform with 1.2×10^5 Dynamic Range, Integrated MPPT, and Multi-Modal Cold Start-Up, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2022.
S. Li, Liu, X., and Calhoun, B. H., A 956pW Switched-Capacitor Sub-Bandgap Reference with 0.44-to-3.3V Supply Range, -67dB PSRR, and 0.2% within-Wafer Inaccuracy for Nanowatt IoT Systems, in 2022 IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), 2022.
N. Ownby, Flynn, K., and Calhoun, B. H., Modeling Energy Aware Photoplethsmography for Personalized Healthcare Applications, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2022.
D. S. Truesdell, Liu, X., Breiholz, J., Gupta, S., Li, S., and Calhoun, B. H., NanoWattch: A Self-Powered 3-nW RISC-V SoC Operable from 160mV Photovoltaic Input with Integrated Temperature Sensing and Adaptive Performance Scaling, in 2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI), (Equally-Credited Authors), 2022.PDF icon NanoWattch A Self-Powered 3-nW RISC-V SoC Operable from 160mV Photovoltaic Input with Integrated Temperature Sensing and Adaptive Performance Scaling.pdf (11.11 MB)
X. Liu, Calhoun, B. H., and Li, S., A Sub-nW 93% Peak Efficiency Buck Converter with Wide Dynamic Range, Fast DVFS, and Asynchronous Load-Transient Control, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, (invited paper), 2022.PDF icon A SubnW 93 Peak Efficiency Buck Converter With Wide Dynamic Range Fast DVFS and Asynchronous Load Transient Control.pdf (3.94 MB)
D. S. Truesdell, Li, S., and Calhoun, B. H., A 0.5V 560-kHz 18.8-fJ/Cycle On-Chip Oscillator with 96.1-ppm/°C Steady-State Stability Using a Duty-Cycled Digital Frequency-Locked Loop, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2021.PDF icon A 0.5-V 560-kHz 18.8-fJ_Cycle On-Chip Oscillator With 96.1ppm_C Steady-State Stability Using a Duty-Cycled Digital Frequency-Locked Loop.pdf (2.95 MB)
R. Agarwala, Wang, P., Bishop, H. L., Dissanayake, A., and Calhoun, B. H., A 0.6V 785-nW Multimodal Sensor Interface IC for Ozone Pollutant Sensing and Correlated Cardiovascular Disease Monitoring, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2021.
A. Dissanayake, Bishop, H. L., Bowers, S. M., and Calhoun, B. H., A 2.4 GHz-91.5 dBm Sensitivity Within-Packet Duty-Cycled Wake-Up Receiver, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2021.
D. Duvvuri, Shen, X., Bassirian, P., Bishop, H. L., Liu, X., Chen, C. - H., Dissanayake, A., Zhang, Y., Blalock, T. N., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A 366 nW, -74.5 dBm Sensitivity Antenna-Coupled Wakeup Receiver at 4.9 GHz with Integrated Voltage Regulation and References, in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Atlanta, GA, 2021.
D. Duvvuri, Shen, X., Bassirian, P., Bishop, H. L., Liu, X., Chen, C. - H., Dissanayake, A., Zhang, Y., Blalock, T. N., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A 366 nW, -74.5 dBm Sensitivity Antenna-Coupled Wakeup Receiver at 4.9 GHz with Integrated Voltage Regulation and References, in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Atlanta, GA, 2021.
R. Agarwala, Wang, P., and Calhoun, B. H., A 405nW/4.8μW Event-Driven Multi-Modal (V/I/R/C) Sensor Interface for Physiological and Environmental Co-Monitoring, in 2021 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2021.
X. Liu, Li, S., and Calhoun, B. H., An 802pW 93% Peak Efficiency Buck Converter with 5.5×106 Dynamic Range Featuring Fast DVFS and Asynchronous Load-Transient Control, in 2021 IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), 2021.PDF icon An 802pW 93% Peak Efficiency Buck Converter with 5.5×106 Dynamic Range Featuring Fast DVFS and Asynchronous Load-Transient Control.pdf (580.42 KB)
X. Chen, Alghaihab, A., Shi, Y., Truesdell, D. S., Calhoun, B. H., and Wentzloff, D. D., A Crystal-Less BLE Transmitter with Clock Recovery from GFSK-Modulated BLE Packets, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2021.
X. Chen, Alghaihab, A., Shi, Y., Truesdell, D. S., Calhoun, B. H., and Wentzloff, D. D., A Crystal-Less BLE Transmitter with Clock Recovery from GFSK-Modulated BLE Packets, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2021.
S. Gupta and Calhoun, B. H., Dynamic Read VMIN and Yield Estimation for Nanoscale SRAMs, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2021.PDF icon Dynamic Read VMIN and Yield Estimation of Nanoscale SRAMs.pdf (3.72 MB)
S. Gupta and Calhoun, B. H., Dynamic Write VMIN and Yield Estimation for Nanoscale SRAMs, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2021.PDF icon Dynamic Write VMIN and Yield Estimation for Nanoscale SRAMs.pdf (4.55 MB)
A. Mallick, Bashar, M. Khairul, Truesdell, D. S., Calhoun, B. H., Joshi, S., and Shukla, N., Graph Coloring using Coupled Oscillator-based Dynamical Systems, in 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2021.
H. L. Bishop*, Dissanayake*, A., Bowers, S. M., and Calhoun, B. H., An Integrated 2.4GHz -91.5dBm Sensitivity Within-Packet Duty-Cycled Wake-Up Receiver Achieving 2μW at 100ms Latency, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA (*Equally-Credited Authors), 2021.
S. Kamineni, Gupta, S., and Calhoun, B. H., MemGen: An Open-Source Framework for Autonomous Generation of Memory Macros, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2021.PDF icon kamineni2021.pdf (9.26 MB)
K. Flynn, Ownby, N., Wang, P., and Calhoun, B. H., Modeling Energy-Aware Photoplethysmography Hardware for Personalized Health Care Applications Across Skin Phototypes, in IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2021.
