“A 194nW Energy-Performance-Aware IoT SoC Employing a 5.2nW 92.6% Peak Efficiency Power Management Unit for System Performance Scaling, Fast DVFS and Energy Minimization”, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2022.
A 194nW Energy-Performance-Aware IoT SoC Employing a 5.2nW 92.6% Peak Efficiency Power Management Unit for System Performance Scaling, Fa.pdf (4.4 MB)
“A 2.5 ppm/°C 1.05 MHz Relaxation Oscillator with Dynamic Frequency-Error Compensation and 8 µs Start-Up Time”, in IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Dresden, Germany, 2018.
, “A 6–140-nW 11 Hz–8.2-kHz DVFS RISC-V Microprocessor Using Scalable Dynamic Leakage-Suppression Logic”, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), 2019.
A 6–140-nW 11 Hz–8.2-kHz DVFS RISC-V Microprocessor Using Scalable Dynamic Leakage-Suppression Logic (1.63 MB)
“An 85 nW IoT Node-Controlling SoC for MELs Power-Mode Management and Phantom Energy Reduction”, in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2020.
, “AuxcellGen: A Framework for Autonomous Generation of Analog and Memory Unit Cells”, in Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2023, 2023.
AuxcellGen-A Framework for Autonomous Generation of Analog and Memory Unit Cells.pdf (3.37 MB)
“Fully Autonomous Mixed Signal SoC Design & Layout Generation Platform”, IEEE Hot Chips 32 Symposium (HCS). 2020.
, “MemGen: An Open-Source Framework for Autonomous Generation of Memory Macros”, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2021.
kamineni2021.pdf (9.26 MB)
“An Open-source Framework for Autonomous SoC Design with Analog Block Generation”, in 28th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. (Nominated for Best Paper Award), 2020.
, “A Sub-µW Energy-Performance-Aware IoT SoC with a Triple-Mode Power Management Unit for System Performance Scaling, Fast DVFS, and Energy Minimization”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2024.
A_Sub-_mu_W_Energy-Performance-Aware_IoT_SoC_With_a_Triple_Mode_Power_Management_Unit_for_System_Performance_Scaling_Fast_DVFS_and_Energy_Minimization.pdf (7.38 MB)