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D. S. Truesdell, Dissanayake, A., and Calhoun, B. H., A 0.6-V 44.6-fJ/Cycle Energy-Optimized Frequency-Locked Loop in 65-nm CMOS With 20.3-ppm/°C Stability, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), 2019.PDF icon A 0.6-V 44.6-fJ Cycle Energy-Optimized Frequency-Locked Loop in 65-nm CMOS With 20.3-ppm C Stability.pdf (1.64 MB)
J. Moody, Dissanayake, A., Bishop, H., Lu, R., Liu, N. X., Duvvuri, D., Gao, A., Truesdell, D. S., N. Barker, S., Gong, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A -106dBm 33nW Bit-Level Duty-Cycled Tuned RF Wake-up Receiver, in 2019 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Kyoto, Japan, 2019.
N. X. Liu, Agarwala, R., Dissanayake, A., Truesdell, D. S., Kamineni, S., and Calhoun, B. H., A 2.5 ppm/°C 1.05 MHz Relaxation Oscillator with Dynamic Frequency-Error Compensation and Fast Start-Up Time, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), 2019.
D. S. Truesdell and Calhoun, B. H., A 640 pW 22 pJ/sample Gate Leakage-Based Digital CMOS Temperature Sensor with 0.25°C Resolution, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) 2019, Austin, TX, 2019.PDF icon A 640 pW 22 pJ_sample Gate Leakage-Based Digital CMOS Temperature Sensor with 0.25C Resolution.pdf (1.81 MB)
D. S. Truesdell, Breiholz, J., Kamineni, S., Liu, N. X., Magyar, A., and Calhoun, B. H., A 6–140-nW 11 Hz–8.2-kHz DVFS RISC-V Microprocessor Using Scalable Dynamic Leakage-Suppression Logic, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), 2019.PDF icon A 6–140-nW 11 Hz–8.2-kHz DVFS RISC-V Microprocessor Using Scalable Dynamic Leakage-Suppression Logic (1.63 MB)
S. Li and Calhoun, B. H., A 745pA Hybrid Asynchronous Binary-Searching and Synchronous Linear-Searching Digital LDO with 3.8×105 Dynamic Load Range, 99.99% Current Efficiency, and 2mV Output Voltage Ripple, in IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA, 2019.
A. Banerjee, A Double Pumped Single-Line-Cache SRAM Architecture for Ultra-low Energy IoT and Machine Learning Applications, in 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design, 2019.
J. Moody, Dissanayake, A., Bishop, H. L., Lu, R., Liu, N. X., Duvvuri, D., Gao, A., Truesdell, D. S., N. Barker, S., Gong, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A Highly Re-configurable Bit-level Duty Cycled TRF Receiver Achieving -106 dBm Sensitivity and 33 nW Average Power Consumption, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), Special Issue on VLSI (invited paper), 2019.
D. S. Truesdell and Calhoun, B. H., Improving Dynamic Leakage Suppression Logic with Forward Body Bias in 65nm CMOS, in IEEE SOI-3D-Subthreshold Microelectronics Technology Unified Conference (S3S), 2019.
S. Li, Roy, A., and Calhoun, B. H., A Piezoelectric Energy-Harvesting System with Parallel-SSHI Rectifier and Integrated Maximum-Power-Point Tracking, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), Special Issue on VLSI (invited paper), 2019.
S. Li, Roy, A., and Calhoun, B. H., A Piezoelectric Energy-Harvesting System with Parallel-SSHI Rectifier and Integrated MPPT Achieving 417% Energy-Extraction Improvement and 97% Tracking Efficiency, in 2019 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Kyoto, Japan, 2019.
D. S. Truesdell, Li, S., and Calhoun, B. H., A 0.5V 560kHz 18.8fJ/Cycle Ultra-Low Energy Oscillator in 65nm CMOS with 96.1ppm/°C Stability Using a Duty-Cycled Digital Frequency-Locked Loop, in 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI), 2020.PDF icon A 0.5V 560kHz 18.8fJ_Cycle Ultra-Low Energy Oscillator in 65nm CMOS with 96.1ppm_C Stability Using a Duty-Cycled Frequency-Locked Loop.pdf (2.67 MB)
A. Dissanayake, Moody, J., Bishop, H. L., Truesdell, D. S., Muhlbauer, H., Lu, R., Gao, A., Gong, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A -108dBm Sensitivity, -28dB SIR, 130nW to 41μW, Digitally Reconfigurable Bit-Level Duty-Cycled Wakeup and Data Receiver, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2020.
S. Gupta, Truesdell, D. S., and Calhoun, B. H., A 65nm 16kb SRAM with 131.5pW Leakage at 0.9V for Wireless IoT Sensor Nodes, in 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI), 2020.PDF icon A 65nm 16kb SRAM with 131.5pW Leakage at 0.9V for Wireless IoT Sensor Nodes.pdf (935.56 KB)
P. Wang, Agarwala, R., Bishop, H. L., Dissanayake, A., and Calhoun, B. H., A 785nW Multimodal (V/I/R) Sensor Interface IC for Ozone Pollutant Sensing and Correlated Cardiovascular Disease Monitoring, in 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI), 2020.
S. Li, Breiholz, J., Kamineni, S., Im, J., Wentzloff, D. D., and Calhoun, B. H., An 85 nW IoT Node-Controlling SoC for MELs Power-Mode Management and Phantom Energy Reduction, in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2020.
R. Agarwala, Wang, P., Tanneeru, A., Lee, B., Misra, V., and Calhoun, B. H., An 88.6nW Ozone Pollutant Sensing Interface IC with a 159 dB Dynamic Range, in ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), 2020.
H. L. Bishop, Wang, P., and Calhoun, B. H., Application-Driven Model of a PPG Sensing Modality for the Informed Design of Self-Powered, Wearable Healthcare Systems, in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2020.
S. Z. Ahmed, Truesdell, D. S., Tan, Y., Calhoun, B. H., and Ghosh, A. W., A comprehensive analysis of Auger generation impacted planar Tunnel FETs, Solid-State Electronics, 2020.
A. Alghaihab, Chen, X., Shi, Y., Truesdell, D. S., Calhoun, B. H., and Wentzloff, D. D., A Crystal-Less BLE Transmitter with -86dBm Frequency-Hopping Back-Channel WRX and Over-the-Air Clock Recovery from a GFSK-Modulated BLE Packet, in 2020 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2020.
T. Ajayi, Cherivirala, Y. K., Kwon, K., Kamineni, S., Saligane, M., Fayazi, M., Gupta, S., Chen, C. - H., Sylvester, D., Blaauw, D., Dreslinski, Jr, R., Calhoun, B. H., and Wentzloff, D. D., Fully Autonomous Mixed Signal SoC Design & Layout Generation Platform, IEEE Hot Chips 32 Symposium (HCS). 2020.
D. S. Truesdell, Ahmed, S. Z., Ghosh, A. W., and Calhoun, B. H., Minimum-Energy Digital Computing with Steep Subthreshold Swing Tunnel FETs, IEEE Journal of Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits (JxCDC), 2020.PDF icon Minimum-Energy Digital Computing With Steep Subthreshold Swing Tunnel FETs.pdf (1.02 MB)
A. Dissanayake, Bishop, H. L., Moody, J., Muhlbauer, H., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A Multichannel, MEMS-less -99dBm 260nW Bit-level Duty Cycled Wakeup Receiver, in 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI), 2020.
D. S. Truesdell and Calhoun, B. H., A Single-Supply 6-Transistor Voltage Level Converter Design Reaching 8.18-fJ/Transition at 0.3-1.2-V Range or 44-fW Leakage at 0.8-2.5-V Range, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), 2020.PDF icon A Single-Supply 6-Transistor Voltage Level Converter Design Reaching 8.18-fJ_Transition at 0.3-1.2-V Range or 44-fW Leakage at 0.8-2.5-V Range.pdf (1.06 MB)
