VLSI Design Group


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Conference Paper
X. Liu, Truesdell, D. S., Faruqe, O., Parameswaran, L., Rickley, M., Kopanski, A., Cantley, L., Coon, A., Bernasconi, M., Wang, T., and Calhoun, B. H., A 33nW Fully Autonomous SoC with Distributed Cooperative Energy Harvesting and Multi-Chip Power Management for mm-scale System-in-Fiber, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Invited paper, 2023.PDF icon A_33nW_Fully_Autonomous_SoC_with_Distributed_Cooperative_Energy_Harvesting_and_Multi-Chip_Power_Management_for_mm-scale_System-in-Fiber.pdf (16.09 MB)
A. Agrawal, Chen, Z., Desman, B. E., Wang, J., Tanaka, A., Foysal, F., Hess, C. D., Farrell, W., Owens, J., Truesdell, D. S., and Calhoun, B. H., A 2-Dimensional mm-scale Network-on-Textiles (kNOTs) for Wearable Computing with Direct Die-to-Yarn Integration of 0.6mm x 2.15mm SoC and bySPI chiplets, in 2025 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), In Press.
N. X. Liu, Agarwala, R., Dissanayake, A., Truesdell, D. S., Kamineni, S., Chen, X., Wentzloff, D. D., and Calhoun, B. H., A 2.5 ppm/°C 1.05 MHz Relaxation Oscillator with Dynamic Frequency-Error Compensation and 8 µs Start-Up Time, in IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Dresden, Germany, 2018.
A. Dissanayake, Moody, J., Bishop, H. L., Truesdell, D. S., Muhlbauer, H., Lu, R., Gao, A., Gong, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A -108dBm Sensitivity, -28dB SIR, 130nW to 41μW, Digitally Reconfigurable Bit-Level Duty-Cycled Wakeup and Data Receiver, in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2020.
J. Moody, Dissanayake, A., Bishop, H., Lu, R., Liu, N. X., Duvvuri, D., Gao, A., Truesdell, D. S., N. Barker, S., Gong, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A -106dBm 33nW Bit-Level Duty-Cycled Tuned RF Wake-up Receiver, in 2019 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Kyoto, Japan, 2019.
D. S. Truesdell, Li, S., and Calhoun, B. H., A 0.5V 560kHz 18.8fJ/Cycle Ultra-Low Energy Oscillator in 65nm CMOS with 96.1ppm/°C Stability Using a Duty-Cycled Digital Frequency-Locked Loop, in 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI), 2020.PDF icon A 0.5V 560kHz 18.8fJ_Cycle Ultra-Low Energy Oscillator in 65nm CMOS with 96.1ppm_C Stability Using a Duty-Cycled Frequency-Locked Loop.pdf (2.67 MB)
O. Faruqe, Chen, Z., Bhattacharya, S., Foysal, M. Fahim, Hasan, S., Truesdell, D. S., and Calhoun, B. H., A 0.36 mm² On-the-Fly I2C-to-SPI Converter for E-Textile Applications, in 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), In Press.
