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Journal Article
J. Moody, Bassirian, P., Roy, A., Liu, N. X., N Barker, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., Interference Robust Detector-First Near-Zero Power Wake-Up Receiver, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2019.
J. Moody, Dissanayake, A., Bishop, H. L., Lu, R., Liu, N. X., Duvvuri, D., Gao, A., Truesdell, D. S., N. Barker, S., Gong, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A Highly Re-configurable Bit-level Duty Cycled TRF Receiver Achieving -106 dBm Sensitivity and 33 nW Average Power Consumption, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), Special Issue on VLSI (invited paper), 2019.
D. S. Truesdell, Breiholz, J., Kamineni, S., Liu, N. X., Magyar, A., and Calhoun, B. H., A 6–140-nW 11 Hz–8.2-kHz DVFS RISC-V Microprocessor Using Scalable Dynamic Leakage-Suppression Logic, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSCL), 2019.PDF icon A 6–140-nW 11 Hz–8.2-kHz DVFS RISC-V Microprocessor Using Scalable Dynamic Leakage-Suppression Logic (1.63 MB)
N. X. Liu, Agarwala, R., Dissanayake, A., Truesdell, D. S., Kamineni, S., and Calhoun, B. H., A 2.5 ppm/°C 1.05 MHz Relaxation Oscillator with Dynamic Frequency-Error Compensation and Fast Start-Up Time, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), 2019.
C. J. Lukas, Yahya, F. B., Breiholz, J., Roy, A., Chen, X., Patel, H. N., Liu, N. X., Kosari, A., Li, S., Kamakshi, D. Akella, Ayorinde, O., Wentzloff, D. D., and Calhoun, B. H., A 1.02 μW Battery-Less, Continuous Sensing and Post-Processing SiP for Wearable Applications, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2019.PDF icon 08625544.pdf (3.22 MB)
A. Kosari, Breiholz, J., Liu, N. X., Calhoun, B. H., and Wentzloff, D. D., A 0.5 V 68 nW ECG Monitoring Analog Front-End for Arrhythmia Diagnosis, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA), 2018.
Conference Paper
P. Bassirian, Duvvuri, D., Truesdell, D. S., Liu, N. X., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A Temperature-robust 27.6nW -65dBm Wakeup Receiver at 9.6GHz X Band, in 2020 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2020.
F. Yahya, Lukas, C. J., Breiholz, J., Roy, A., Patel, H. N., Liu, N. X., Chen, X., Kosari, A., Li, S., Akella, D., Ayorinde, O., Wentzloff, D. D., and Calhoun, B. H., A battery-less 507nW SoC with integrated platform power manager and SiP interfaces, in 2017 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Kyoto, Japan, 2017.
J. Moody, Bassirian, P., Roy, A., Liu, N. X., Pancrazio, S., N. Barker, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A -76dBm 7.4 nW wakeup radio with automatic offset compensation, in International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2018.
N. X. Liu, Agarwala, R., Dissanayake, A., Truesdell, D. S., Kamineni, S., Chen, X., Wentzloff, D. D., and Calhoun, B. H., A 2.5 ppm/°C 1.05 MHz Relaxation Oscillator with Dynamic Frequency-Error Compensation and 8 µs Start-Up Time, in IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Dresden, Germany, 2018.
J. Moody, Dissanayake, A., Bishop, H., Lu, R., Liu, N. X., Duvvuri, D., Gao, A., Truesdell, D. S., N. Barker, S., Gong, S., Calhoun, B. H., and Bowers, S. M., A -106dBm 33nW Bit-Level Duty-Cycled Tuned RF Wake-up Receiver, in 2019 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Kyoto, Japan, 2019.