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A. Shrivastava and Calhoun, B. H., A 150nW, 5ppm/oC, 100kHz On-Chip Clock Source for Ultra Low Power SoCs, in Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, 2012.
J. Boley, Wang, J., and Calhoun, B. H., Analyzing Sub-Threshold Bitcell Topologies and the Effects of Assist Methods on SRAM Vmin, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 2012.
J. Boley, Wang, J., and Calhoun, B. H., Analyzing Sub-Threshold Bitcell Topologies and the Effects of Assist Methods on SRAM VMIN, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA), vol. 2, p. 12, 2012.
F. Zhang, Zhang, Y., Silver, J., Shakhsheer, Y., Nagaraju, M., Klinefelter, A., Pandey, J., Boley, J., Carlson, E., Shrivastava, A., Otis, B., and Calhoun, B., A Batteryless 19uW MICS/ISM-Band Energy Harvesting Body Area Sensor Node SoC, in ISSCC, San Francisco, 2012.
A. Shrivastava, Lach, J., and Calhoun, B., A Charge Pump Based Receiver Circuit for a Voltage Scaled Interconnect, in International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2012.
Y. Shakhsheer, Zhang, Y., Otis, B., and Calhoun, B. H., A Custom Processor for Node and Power Management of a Battery-less Body Sensor Node in 130nm CMOS, Custom Integrated Circuits Conference. San Jose, 2012.
L. Wang, Skadron, K., and Calhoun, B. H., Dark vs. Dim Silicon and Near-Threshold Computing, in Dark Silicon Workshop (DaSi), 2012.
B. H. Calhoun, Design Principles for Digital CMOS Integrated Circuit Design. NTS Press, 2012.
A. Shrivastava and Calhoun, B. H., Modeling DC-DC Converter Efficiency and Power Management in Ultra Low Power Systems, in Subthreshold Microelectronics Conference, 2012.
K. Craig, Shakhsheer, Y., and Calhoun, B. H., Optimal Power Switch Design for Dynamic Voltage Scaling from High Performance to Subthreshold Operation, in International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2012.
A. Klinefelter, Zhang, Y., Otis, B., and Calhoun, B. H., A Programmable 34 nW/Channel Sub-Threshold Signal Band Power Extractor on a Body Sensor Node SoC, Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 59, p. 941, 2012.
K. Craig, Shakhsheer, Y., Khanna, S., Arrabi, S., Lach, J., Calhoun, B. H., and Kosonocky, S., A Programmable Resistive Power Grid for Post-Fabrication Flexibility and Energy Tradeoffs, in International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2012.
L. Szafaryn, Chen, J., Calhoun, B. H., Lach, J., Skadron, K., and Meyer, B. H., Reducing the Cost of Safety-Critical Systems with On-Demand Redundancy, in SRC Techcon, 2012.
P. Beshay, Bolus, J., Blalock, T., Chandra, V., and Calhoun, B. H., SRAM Sense Amplifier Offset Cancellation Using BTI Stress, in Subthreshold Microelectronics Conference, 2012.
P. Beshay, Ryan, J. F., and Calhoun, B. H., Sub-threshold Sense Amplifier Compensation Using Auto-zeroing Circuitry, in Subthreshold Microelectronics Conference, 2012.
S. N. Wooters, Cabe, A. C., Qi, Z., Wang, J., Mann, R. W., Calhoun, B. H., Stan, M. R., and Blalock, T. N., Tracking On-Chip Age Using Distributed, Embedded Sensors, Transactions on VLSI Systems (TVLSI), vol. 20, p. 12, 2012.
